On June 2, the Federal Communications Commission is planning on authorizing sweeping changes to the American news media.  The rule changes could allow your local TV stations, newspaper, radio stations, and cable provider to all be owned by one company.  NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX could have the same corporate parent.  The resulting concentration of ownership could be deeply destructive to our democracy.

When we talk to Congresspeople about this issue, their response is usually the same:  "We only hear from media lobbyists on this.  It seems like my constituents aren't very concerned with this issue."  A few thousand emails could permanently change that perception.  Please join us in asking Congress and the FCC to fight media deregulation at:


After the FCC and Congress relaxed radio ownership rules, corporate giant Clear Channel Communications swept in and bought hundreds of stations.  Clear Channel has used its might to support conservative talk shows, keep anti-war songs off its stations, coerce musicians into playing free promotional concerts, and bully them into performing at its music venues.  In many towns that used to have a diverse array of radio options, Clear Channel is now the only thing on the dial.

Monopoly power is a dangerous thing, and Congress is supposed to guard against it.  But the upcoming rule could change the landscape for all media and usher in an era in which a few corporations controly your access to news and entertainment.  Please tell Congress and the FCC to support a diverse, competitive media landscape by going to:


You can also automatically have your comments publicly filed at the FCC.

Democracy is built on the idea that the views and beliefs on an informed citizenry are the best basis for political decision-making.  Without access to fair and balanced news, the system simply doesn't work.  And media corporations can't be trusted to balance themselves: news corporations have shown again and again that they're willing to sacrifice journalism to improve the bottom line.  That's why we need many entities - to keep each other honest, and to provide the information and ideas that make democracy happen.

Please join this critical campaign, and let Congress know you care.

Eli Pariser
May 8th, 2003

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